President: Rev. Dr. Jacob George
Vice President: Dr. Mammen C. Jacob
Secretary: Mr. Georgy Varughese
Trustee: Mr. Varghese Jacob
Accountant : Mr. Varghese Samuel
Lay Leader (Malayalam): Mr. Aby Mathew
Lay Leader (English): Mr. Johnson Thomas
Mandalam Member: Mr. Varghese Zachariah
Diocesan Assembly Member: Mrs. Kunjumole Chiramel
Area Prayer Rep (Cooper City): Mr. Simon P. Simon
Area Prayer Rep (Hollywood): Mrs. Sara Kochupurackal
Area Prayer Rep (Sunrise): Mrs. Sosamma Samuel
Area Prayer Rep (Weston): Dr. Bobby Varghese
Church Choir Rep: Mrs. Anu Sherry
Edavaka Mission Rep: Mr. Abraham David
Sevika Sangham Rep: Mrs. Archana John
Sunday School Rep: Mr. Abi Kurian
Senior Citizen Fellowship: Mr. Oommen V. Samuel
Youth Fellowship: Mr. Steve Kurian
Young Family Fellowship Rep to the Committee: Mrs. Archana John
Auditors: Mr. Cherian Itty, Mr. Rajan George
Vice President: Dr. Mammen C. Jacob
Secretary: Mr. Georgy Varughese
Trustee: Mr. Varghese Jacob
Accountant : Mr. Varghese Samuel
Lay Leader (Malayalam): Mr. Aby Mathew
Lay Leader (English): Mr. Johnson Thomas
Mandalam Member: Mr. Varghese Zachariah
Diocesan Assembly Member: Mrs. Kunjumole Chiramel
Area Prayer Rep (Cooper City): Mr. Simon P. Simon
Area Prayer Rep (Hollywood): Mrs. Sara Kochupurackal
Area Prayer Rep (Sunrise): Mrs. Sosamma Samuel
Area Prayer Rep (Weston): Dr. Bobby Varghese
Church Choir Rep: Mrs. Anu Sherry
Edavaka Mission Rep: Mr. Abraham David
Sevika Sangham Rep: Mrs. Archana John
Sunday School Rep: Mr. Abi Kurian
Senior Citizen Fellowship: Mr. Oommen V. Samuel
Youth Fellowship: Mr. Steve Kurian
Young Family Fellowship Rep to the Committee: Mrs. Archana John
Auditors: Mr. Cherian Itty, Mr. Rajan George